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Informations détaillées de

Faust polaris

Mâle, Groenendael

date de naissance : 29/04/2002
date de décès : 00/00/2008

Epilepsie signalée
Source : International Epilepsy Registrer
Date of first attack : August 2007
Frequency : Started after car accident - after this he has had many fits. When he was about 5 years old he has car accident. He was bruised but not broken. Owner was happy that its finished in that way and dog is alive. But after a month [August 2007] Faust got first attack. Later attacks were very often, sometimes 3-6 for week. After medicines the situation little bid stabilized. During 3 months frequency of attack was smaller. After this time all changed again and attacks were very often, hard, without consciousness, for 5-8 minutes every times. The dog wasn't feel good and owner decided about euthanasia. [January 2008] It was about 5 months after accident.

Issu de :

Ch. PL fakaiser's Jerez d'Jaguar
Ch. GB/Norv. Gooitzen van't belgisch schoon X ceres Raïsa

N20433/95, PKR-I 25576

date de naissance : 16/07/1995
date de décès : 00/00/2008

HD A1 ,

Gracja z leśnego maneżu
Ch. Pl ceres Mister Wimula X Bifforta z leśnego maneżu

PKR I-228995

date de naissance : 30/08/1994
date de décès : 00/00/0000

2 frères et soeurs de portée

Fantastic polaris Mâle Groenendael 29/04/200200/00/0000
Fanta polaris Femelle Groenendael 29/04/200200/00/0000

2 Frères et soeurs issus d'autres portées

Benelux polaris Mâle Groenendael 13/02/199919/07/1999
Burgund polaris Mâle Groenendael 13/02/199900/00/0000
Black polaris Mâle Groenendael 13/02/199900/00/0000 PKR.I-33409
Boss polaris Mâle Groenendael 13/02/199900/00/0000 PKR.I-32410
Bernard polaris Mâle Groenendael 13/02/199900/00/0000
Brugia polaris Femelle Groenendael 13/02/199900/00/2009
Bruksela polaris Femelle Groenendael 13/02/199915/10/2009 PKR I-34258
Brabant polaris Mâle Groenendael 13/02/199900/00/0000
Coco Chanel polaris Femelle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000
Cha Cha polaris Femelle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000
Czuma polaris Femelle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000
Cayenne polaris Femelle Groenendael 17/05/199923/01/2009 PKR.I-37144
Coquile polaris Femelle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000
Caruso polaris Mâle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000
Carreras polaris Mâle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000
Cameron polaris Mâle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000
Calvados polaris Mâle Groenendael 17/05/199900/00/0000

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12 demi-frères ou demi-soeurs coté mère

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